Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How to Cut a Recipe in Half

Kitchen Basics 101: Making Half a Recipe

There are a few other things to take into consideration when cutting a recipe in half.  Whenever you alter the amounts of ingredients you also need to adjust the cooking temperature, cooking time and pan size.

Cooking Temperatures:  Use the original cooking temperature as a reference point but monitor closely for the results you are looking for.  If you’re cooking something that includes meat, you’ll need to check for proper internal temperatures with a meat thermometer.

Cooking Time:  Use the original cooking time as a reference point for how long it should cook, but you’ll also need to monitor it closely.  If you are baking half a recipe of cake, bread or pie, then the cooking time will be more than half, about two thirds to three quarters of the original time.

Pan Size:  Try to use a pan that has half the volume of the one called for in the original recipe.

To learn more: Robyn's View