Why and How

PROVIDENT LIVING is defined as living within our means and preparing for the ups and downs of life so we will be ready for rainy-day emergencies when they come. Church members are responsible for their own spiritual and temporal well-being. Blessed with the gift of agency, they have the privilege to set their own course, solve their own problems, and strive to become self-reliant.  As we practice the principles of provident living we become more self-reliant.

Elder Robert D. Hales said:

"As we live providently and increase our gifts and talents, 
we become more self-reliant.
Self-reliance is taking responsibility for our
own spiritual and temporal welfare and
for those whom Heavenly Father
has entrusted to our care.
Only when we are self-reliant can we truly emulate
the Savior in serving and blessing others.

"It is important to understand that self-reliance is
a means to an end.  Our ultimate goal is to become 
like the Savior, and that goal is enhanced by
our unselfish service to others.
Our ability to serve is increased or diminished
by the level of our self-reliance."

SELF-RELIANCE is defined as taking responsibility for our own spiritual and temporal welfare and for those whom Heavenly Father has entrusted to our care.

Sister Julie B. Beck,
former General Relief Society President said:

"Self-reliance means using all of our blessings
from Heavenly Father to care for ourselves and
our families and to find solutions for our own
problems.  We become self-reliant through 
obtaining sufficient knowledge, education, 
and literacy; by managing money and 
resources wisely, being spiritually strong, 
prepared for emergencies and eventualities
and by having physical health
and social and emotional well-being."