Thursday, April 14, 2016

Did your questions get answered?

General Conference gives us an opportunity to receive guidance from living prophets, learn from the Spirit, and receive answers to personal questions. Below are examples of questions during the April 2016 General Conference. To find the answers, click on the link below.

What did the prophet say?
How can I prevent trials from overcoming my faith?
Is there any hope left for me?
How can I make my prayers more meaningful?
Why is there so much persecution today?
How can I protect my family from excessive use of technology?
How can I stay motivated to live the gospel when I keep falling short?
How can I always retain a remission of my sins?
What can I do to better fulfill my role as a father?
What can I do to help refugees?
If I forgive someone, won’t that mean that justice isn’t served?
What is the greatest challenge our youth face today?
How can we better remember the Savior?

To learn more: Answers to Personal Questions from General Conference