Sunday, March 15, 2015

10 Ways to Help Memorize The Living Christ

It has been a week since the challenge was issued to memorize "The Living Christ." If you have not yet received the login information to download the music, please see your Relief Society President. She has been given all the necessary information.

The Daybreak Stake has issued the same challenge to their youth. They have come up with 50 Ways to Memorize "The Living Christ." Here are their first ten ideas:

1. Make a firm personal commitment to memorize it by September 26th. Tell someone who is important to you that you are doing it and write it down.
2. Recite it every night before you go to bed.
3. Break it up and memorize it in small sections.
4. Put the words to music. This has already been done for us by Sister Carrie Wrigley.
5. Challenge your family to memorize it with you.
6. Keep a written copy where you can slowly block out words you have memorized.
7. Review the words during Sacrament Meeting.
8. Make a pledge with a friend that you will learn it together and then honor that pledge with each other.
9. Recite "The Living Christ" each week during Family Home Evening.
10. Place a copy on your bathroom mirror.

To learn more: Daybreak Stake - "The Living Christ"