Sunday, August 23, 2015

3 Reasons Mormons Consider Physical Health Part of Their Belief System

To understand why Mormons consider physical health part of their belief system, it’s important to understand a little about what the scriptures refer to as God’s “great plan of happiness.” In its simplest form, the plan can be divided into three parts. During the first part, known as premortal life, we lived with our Father in Heaven as His spirit children. During the second part, called mortality, we came to earth and received a physical body. At some point during the third part, which follows physical death, we will be resurrected and live forever with our physical bodies through the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because a physical body is part of the plan, physical health matters. Watch as Mormons share their beliefs about the importance of physical health in their lives.

Here are three reasons why Mormons consider physical health spiritually important.

Physical Health Shows Gratitude for a Gift

A body is a miraculous gift and responsibility from God. The Apostle Paul taught that the body is a temple for our spirit (see 1 Corinthians 6:19). One of the greatest challenges of mortality is learning to use, care for, and appreciate the gift of our physical bodies. When we maintain good physical health, we show that we value the precious gift we have been given.

Physical Health Brings Strength

More than 150 years ago, the Lord revealed a set of guidelines, known as the Word of Wisdom, for the proper care of our physical bodies. In addition to abstaining from coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol, and other harmful and addictive substances, we are also encouraged to eat healthy foods, get enough rest, and be physically active. These commandments come with a promise of both physical and spiritual strength. Physical strength is a natural consequence of a healthy lifestyle. But as we lead a healthy lifestyle, free of substances and practices that dull our senses, we can come closer to God. Elijah taught that the Lord speaks to us with a still, small voice (see 1 Kings 19:11–12), and we are better able to hear Him when our minds and bodies are clean and healthy.

Physical Health Brings Happiness

You don’t have to look far to find articles and experts linking exercise to happiness. For example, one article reminds us that exercise releases “happy” chemicals in our brains, reduces stress and anxiety, boosts confidence and energy, and helps us sleep better. Like most people, Mormons want to be happy, so they embrace the counsel to improve physical health with exercise.

To learn more: 3 Reasons Mormons Consider Physical Health Part of Their Belief System