Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Job Search Tip Sheets

The job search tip sheets cover the basics of a successful job search. Job seekers, employment specialists, and priesthood and Relief Society leaders will benefit by becoming familiar with the information contained in this series of handouts. Find the handouts at this link Job Search Tip Sheets

Job Search Planning
Having a plan for how to approach your job search will help you be more successful in finding new employment. This tip sheet will help you plan your time effectively.

Surviving Unemployment 
Experiencing unemployment can be difficult.  There are many things to think about. This tip sheet lists several things you can do to survive unemployment and be successful in your job search.

Power Statements
To be effective you need to be able to communicate your strengths and accomplishments to employers and those in your network.  This tip sheet will help you develop concise, powerful statements that you can use in all of your job search efforts, including your résumé, interviews, networking, and following-up.

“Me in 30 Seconds” Statements
Developing a concise statement about your skills and interests will give you confidence when meeting with employers or approaching individuals through networking. This tip sheet will help you develop an impressive way to introduce yourself to others.

Effective Networking
Networking is the most effective way to find a job.  This tip sheet outlines who is in your network, how to add more people to your network, and how to manage your efforts to network with these individuals.

Interview Techniques
Being well prepared for an interview will help you be confident and impress the interviewer(s). This tip sheet will help you prepare to respond to basic interview questions with impressive answers  that will set you apart from the competition.

Writing a Résumé or CV
Creating a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV) that communicates your strengths can be challenging. This tip sheet includes recommendations to help you stand out.

Written Communication (Cover Letters, Applications, Thank-You Letters)
Aside from résumés or CVs, your job search will likely require you to write cover letters, complete applications, and send follow-up thank-you letters.  This tip sheet will help you know how to approach each of these types of written communication.

Effective Negotiating
Accepting a job offer may give you the opportunity to negotiate salary, benefits, and other job details with an employer.  This tip sheet will help you know when to negotiate and will help you prepare to do so effectively.

Job Fair 
There are some things you can do to prepare in order to benefit the most from a job fair. This tip sheet will help you gain the most from your job fair experiences.

Earning Your Daily Bread
We each have the responsibility to provide for ourselves and our families.  This tip sheet outlines steps you can take to be self-reliant.