Tuesday, September 24, 2013

National Preparedness Month

Did you know that September is designated National Preparedness Month? The Red Cross has put together a three step plan to help to encourage Utahns to evaluate their levels of emergency preparedness and to take action to become better prepared.

  • Assemble emergency kits for each of your family members.
  • Along with food, water and first aid supplies, include items such as vital prescription medications, important papers, pet supplies, contact lists and cash.
  • Talk with your family about potential disasters and create a plan for staying safe and remaining connected.
  • Begin building your plan today at redcross.org/prepare.
  • Identify at least two locations family members might meet up after a disaster (one within your neighborhood and one outside it).
  • Designate at least two out-of-state contacts.
  • Plan to register yourself on the Red Cross Safe and Well website (safeandwell.org) following a disaster to list yourself as "safe and well" or to search about friends and loved ones.
  • Be aware of the types of disaster situations that might occur in your area, and make specific plans for dealing with them.
  • Make sure at least one person in your family has CPR and first aid training.
  • Download the official American Red Cross First Aid app and the American Red Cross Earthquake app (available on iPhone and Android) for alerts, checklists, and other important tools and information.
Information from Teresa Zundel, director of communications for the American Red Cross Utah Region and Christian Gray, disaster services and emergency response manage for Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah.