Sunday, September 15, 2013

50 Focus

Join the Sandy Utah East Stake Relief Society for the 50 Focus!  A special evening of events will be held Saturday, September 28th before the General Relief Society Meeting Broadcast.  Service projects will be from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.  A light dinner will be served from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.  The Broadcast begins at 6:00 p.m. and will be viewed in the chapel so Sunday dress is requested.

50 Focus Challenge - Each Ward is challenged to bring seven sisters that wouldn't usually attend this event. What a great opportunity to invite sisters you visit teach, your neighbor or someone who needs a friend or an outing.

50 Focus Donation Project - Each Ward is challenged to bring 50 donation items for the Nepali Inner City Mission. Sister Rose from the 8th Ward who is serving in this mission says, "Diapers and Kotex pads are the most needed. Most of these women had never heard of Kotex before they came. During their periods some would basically sit in a river for 3-4 days. It is a strong Nepali culture that during their periods many of the women are 'unclean'. They would sleep in a shed, not their house. They could not cook or get water. As they come to the United States, we are trying to teach them that this is perfectly normal, they are not 'unclean'.  When a woman is pregnant she doesn't come to church at all.  Many of their 'customs' might seem silly to us, but this is their reality. Many of them hold on to the traditions and ideas they have grown up with. We are having more success teaching younger girls. Thanks for your willingness. I know they would appreciate any help that the Sandy East Stake would be able to provide. Probably the greatest needs are the following:
* Diapers
* Kotex
Dish soap (not dishwasher soap, they don't have those)
Laundry detergent
Hand soap
Basic cleaning supplies: Ajax, window cleaner, cleaning spray, paper towels, toilet paper"

50 Books of Mormon - 50 Books of Mormon will be available for sisters to write their testimonies in.  These will be given to the full-time missionaries assigned to our Stake.

50 Purple Caps - 50 kits will be available to knit or crochet caps to increase awareness of Shaken Baby Syndrome. All babies go through a normal period of increased crying in the first few months of life. The color purple is an acronym for the steps to handle and understand this period of an infants life. The caps are given to babies as they leave the hospital to remind their parents how to deal with this phase.  There will be educational materials and information available for everyone as well as the kits for those who would like to knit or crochet a cap.

50 plus Candy Rolls - Sisters will cover empty toilet paper rolls with decorative paper. After Halloween they will be filled with candy donations, wrapped in cellophane and donated to Festival of Trees, a fundraiser, which benefits Primary Children's Hospital.  Bring any empty TP rolls with you.