Saturday, October 31, 2015

Be Aware!

Dear Sisters,

There have been several break-ins around the area recently including one where an intruder entered the home at night while the family was sleeping.  Please remind your everyone to be vigilant and aware!

Here are some easy things to do to be safe:

  • Please be vigilant in locking your home up whenever you are not at home and always at night.  
  • Let neighbors know when their garage door has been left open at night.  
  • Stay alert and attentive to what is going on around your neighborhood. 
  • Check on single sisters and ensure they have a nearby contact who can assist them quickly if necessary.

This is not intended to frighten anyone, it's just a reminder to be careful and take precautions.

Be safe and let's watch over each other!
Terri, Leann, Jackie and Sherry