Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Rain Harvest - rainwater collection

The Utah Rivers Council is excited to officially launch RainHarvest, a rainwater collection program created to engage homeowners and small businesses to use rainwater to reduce Utah’s nation-leading water use (per-person) and improve water quality of local streams, rivers and lakes. Rainwater harvesting is legal in Utah and now is the perfect time to start using this free, legal water at your home.

Residents of Salt Lake County can pre-order discounted rain barrels at savesomethingutah.org until May 3rd and pick up at Murray Park on May 9th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The 50-gallon barrels attach to household spouts and act as reservoirs for outdoor use, like watering plants or lawns. Rain harvesting was legalized in Utah in 2010.

To learn more: savesomethingutah.org