Saturday, February 28, 2015

Life Story Binder

What is a Life Story Binder?

It's a place to gather and organize documents, photos and/or journaling that pertain to your life or the life of a family member.

To learn more: All Things Simple

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Family History Projects for Children

There are many ways to bring family history into your family.

  1. Story telling
  2. Interview a family member
  3. Create a family record
  4. Write a journal
  5. Time line
  6. Geography
  7. Unit study
  8. Visit a historical place of interest
  9. Visit your local library
  10. Art
  11. Family mealtime

To learn more: Homemaking with Heart

Monday, February 23, 2015

Interview Questions for Grandparents

Do your children know the life stories of their grandparents? Let this printable encourage you to ask.
To learn more: The House of Hendrix

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Journal apps

Technology has made it easier than ever to do family history and keep a journal. Take a few minutes to browse the app store on your smart phones and tablets to find the one right for you. Day One for Apple products comes highly recommended.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Creative Journaling Tips for all Ages

Carmella @orsoshesaid, "Journaling….. we all know that it’s good for us to get our thoughts and feelings out but sometimes we just get stuck and don’t know what to write about. I’ve come up with creative journaling tips to get you started. These prompts are perfect for any age and all you have to do is cut and paste them in your journal and start writing {or painting} your ideas…"

To learn more: Or So She Says

Friday, February 13, 2015

Staying Happier by Keeping a Journal

Monica at Monzanitas.blogspot said, I have been trying to be happier. It takes work, but everyone needs to be happier. The happier I am, the happier everyone around me is. Or maybe that’s just because I’m the Mom. Writing in a journal helps me stay positive sometimes and helps me look back at how I was positive before and it reminds me that I can stay positive again.

I have a few rules for myself when journaling. The first rule for myself is to keep everything positive. There is enough negativity as it is, and I don’t need to hold onto it for the future. Sometimes I need to rant about negativity and doing it on paper helps. I just make sure to do it in a cheap notebook and throw it out immediately after it is written."

To learn more:

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Free Genealogy Sites

FamilySearch has partnered with worldwide genealogy sites to provide free membership to LDS
members. These include:

To get free membership, LDS members need to log-in to To do this, just use your same log-in. If you do not have a log-in, you need your LDS membership number (found on your Temple Recommend) and your confirmation date.  See you ward clerk if you do not know it.

Log-in to
Go to top right corner and click on “Get Help”
Click on “Help Center”
Click on “Partners”
Click on “Our Partners”
Click on each link and create free account