Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Spaghetti Slime

How fun does this look for an afternoon activity?

You will need:
* Kool-Aid or Food Coloring
* 1 Box of Spaghetti
* Oil  {You can use Vegetable Oil, Coconut Oil, or any oil of your choice}
* Water

1. Divide 1 box of spaghetti in three parts.

2. Put 4 to 5 cups of water in a pot and add one packet of Kool-Aid of your choice and bring it to boil.

The spaghetti will turn the color of the Kool Aid… Have fun choosing!

{You can use Food Coloring instead of Kool-Aid if you want}

3. When the water is boiling cook one portion of the spaghetti in it.
When the spaghetti is cooked it will turn the color of the water.

4. Drain the cooked spaghetti…

5. Drain the spaghetti once again and add about one tablespoon of oil.

{Repeat these steps for each color}

You are done and it’s time to play!

To learn more: The 36th Avenue