Friday, October 4, 2013

Top Ten Benefits of Eating Breakfast

The literal meaning of the word "breakfast," is to break the fast between dinner and the meal eaten after a person wakes up the next morning. If you think about the amount of time spanning between dinner and breakfast, the meaning of the word is very fitting. For most people, it can be up to 12 hours since their last meal, and yet they are quick to skip it as they rush out the door. Here are 10 benefits of eating breakfast and why it should be considered the most important meal of the day:

1. Energy boost to start the day
2. Sharper focus
3. Breakfast helps reduce morning crankiness
4. Metabolism boost
5. Prevents starvation
6. Keeps you from overeating
7. Allows you to properly portion your meals
8. Helps lower the "bad" cholesterol
9. Breakfast can be nutritious and delicious
10. Eat breakfast to lose weight

Matthew Cenzon