Sunday, November 16, 2014

One Way to Study General Conference Talks

The author of the blog, "Things As They Really Are," shares her method of studying General Conference talks.

How I Study General Conference

My conference editions of the Ensign used to get pretty worn. This summer I attended Education Week at BYU-Idaho and learned this trick from an instructor. Take the Ensign to a store like Office Max or Staples and have them do two things: 

1.  Spiral bind it. 
2.  Have them put a clear plastic cover on the front and a black cover on the back.
It's fairly cheep to do. Should be under five dollars.

Then I get to the meat of studying.  I pick topic's and assign them colors. This year was just three.
-When any talk tells us to read our scriptures.  (last year it was ALL over the place)
-When any of the talks give advice about raising families or anything in the vein of families 
-Marking any questions the speakers ask US!

In conferences past I've had put to five topic's to focus on and it can be anything you 
want really, but I pick the themes that are repeated over and over again. 

I treat them as I do my scriptures, because they are just that!  I mark them up. 
I always write/bullet point the main points of the talk. 
The one below says this: 
# Our own lives can be temple standard; no gritty walls or crooked/flawed windows. 
# Our "contractor" hold us to high standards.
# The Lord knows the level of our efforts and if we have done our personal best.

I write in the margin's, I circle words, and I even write my feelings sometimes. 
All of it just like I do with my scriptures. The picture does not show 
my completed study 
of this talk as it is now but here is what I wrote up:
* Moral issues addressed in families:
* Repentance only panacea 
* Unkindness 
* Sexual immorality
* Immersion in the scriptures
* Take any necessary action to feel the Spirit

I box whole paragraphs that I feel as super important. Along with the color makers I use a black marker.  This year it's a Paper Mate flair pen. Find the ones that don't smear. I used colored permanent markers that also don't smear. I haven't shown it here, but I also will circle the footnote numbers that I particularly liked. The footnotes make it SO like the scriptures. Being led by Jesus Christ through a prophet of God and His Twelve Apostles is wonderful. We get to hear from them twice a year. I always feel the Spirit and know what I need to do to make my life better. 

To learn more: Things As They Really Are